Tuesday, June 2, 2015

This Woman I Love is My Worst Nightmare

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you love? In life there are choices we have to make regardless of our morals and I am about to make that choice. My wife and I recently went on a honeymoon to Hawaii and spent a wonderful amount of time with the one I truly love. In order to start a new family, we decided to reside to the neighborhood of Kinsville. We bought a two-story house, which also came with a large, beautiful backyard. The open backyard was the most appealing aspect to this house because my wife is into gardening and landscaping. Everything was a dream come true. Until one day, the neighborhood was unusually peaceful.
            As I was making breakfast this morning, I heard one of my neighbors, Sarah, weeping and screaming in sorrow. I hurried and ran outside wondering what all the commotion was. She told me that her son, Ted, has been missing for days and has not come home. Sarah is one of my closest neighbors. She frequently comes over to have coffee with my wife, Mrs. Davis. She would also talk endlessly about gardening and her life. She was always cheerful and warm- hearted. Sarah reached out, grabbed my hands desperately, and called out to me, “Cooper! Cooper! Please find my son!”  I felt the need to help the poor woman.
Returning from work, Sarah was always on my mind. I decided to sit my wife down and talk about Ted being missing.  She simply disregarded the fact that he could have been gone. “I condole with Sarah but I am pretty sure Ted is just doing fine,” said Mrs. Davis. Maybe I was over thinking about Sarah’s situation. Mrs. Davis said calmly, “I think you are honey.” I decided to visit Sarah’s house to check up on her. She looked even worse. When I stared into her eyes, I felt emptiness and solitude. I tried my best to comfort her and to reassure that her son is doing fine. However, this aggravated the situation leaving Sarah even more depressed. I apologized and left her house.
After I came back from Sarah’s house, I see my wife gardening as usual. I told her about Sarah’s current condition and she told me that she was going give her a call. As I was passing by the bedroom, I overheard my wife’s conversation with Sarah. “Sarah, I am sorry that this is happening to you. I’m like a gardener that weeds out unwanted plants and I did just that,” said Mrs. Davis. Her conversation with Sarah left me baffled. Why did she refer to the gardener weeding out unwanted plants? I was confused and wanted an answer. I asked my wife what she meant. She told me that she weeded out all the negative thoughts from Sarah’s mind and comforted her. While she was explaining, I felt a nervous tone throughout her explanation. As wrong as it sounds, I became suspicious towards my wife. 
In order to find answers to my suspicions, I observed my wife carefully. She was acting a bit strange after i confessed to her about overhearing her conversation. She was quiet and cautious. Her change in behavior made me question her even more. Since she was my wife, I doubted she would have done something insane. I trust my wife to be faithful and trustworthy but something inside me kept suspicions towards her.
One night I was waken up from a loud thunderstorm and the rain beating against my window. I shuffle around my bed only to find out that my wife was not present next to me. i told myself that she probably went to go use the bathroom or went downstairs to get a drink. An hour passed by, and at this point i was concerned where she was. i got up from my bed and headed downstairs. The living room was unusually cold. As I observed around the living room, I saw my backyard door fully open. As I was walking towards the door to close it, I was able to see a dark silhouette on my backyard. With fear and adrenaline rushing through my body, I ran outside shouting “WHO ARE YOU!” The dark figure turned around and I was able to visualize a ditch big enough to fit a man. It was hard to see the face of the dark figure. Then I heard a familiar voice saying, “Honey, you’re next.”