Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Celebrities In Advertisements

            Sue Jozui argues about the style of advertisement. Her purpose of this essay is to admonish the usage of celebrity to promote everyday products. She believes that advertisements should be limited with legislate rules and guidelines. I disagree with her statement because advertisements should be limitless and would not be as interesting with limitations and guidelines.
            There are not only advertisements with celebrities. Many countries include anonymous participants to participate in their advertisements. However, when celebrities appear on screen, we are most likely to pay attention. We familiarize ourselves to those we know or have grown up watching. This is a common strategy used in the advertising fields. Their goal is to promote products by grabbing our attention with something favorable and admirable. Advertising companies should have the rights to use celebrities as long as they are fairly paid.
Celebrities are a huge motivation for people. They have fans that support and follow them. For example, I am a fan if the Dodgers’ pitcher Ryu Hyun Jin. He has taken many advertisements for a ramen. I was persuaded to try the same ramen that he truly enjoyed. I had a feeling of support and felt like him when I ate the ramen. Seeing a celebrity use or consume certain products that we use daily, helps us to bond closer, which makes us feel like a celebrity.  
When celebrities act or behave out of the norm in advertisements, it appears more interesting than if replaced by another person. Celebrities have an image of perfection and flawlessness. As a society living with advanced technology, updates in celebrities are all over the media. Therefore, when celebrities are acting abnormally it is interesting to see how they defy their image. Advertisements are more appealing when celebrities are used.
Sue Jozi states, “this kind of marketing is misleading and insults the intelligence of the audience.” I disagree that it misleads the audience. Mot all advertisements have negative effect on the viewers. Celebrities might promote products or events that can help benefit an organization. Recently the ice bucket water challenge became a trend; it raised awareness of a disease called ALS. The ALS foundation received more money than ever before. Audience are not mislead by advertisements on media but instead led to the right way with a sense of comfort.

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